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Hey you             ... my name is Andi


                           ... I am an outdoor photographer, based in the middle of my homeland Bavaria (Germany) and always searching for little                                adventures, nice people and sportive challenges, to create authentic visual highlights


                           ... if you would like to realize an interesting  photographic project, no matter where, under which conditions and it                                doesn´t matter how big your budget is,  please do not hesitate  to contact me


                           ... here you go:




                               +49 (0)172 841 22 00


                           ... this is the way I am pleased to work for most of my clients, sometimes under extreme conditions, but always in a                                good mood, surrounded by inspiring friends, who love what they do, like there are:


                           ... arena, Audi,  Bayer, BMG, BMW, Bogner, DA Direct, dm Drogeriemarkt, EADS, Europcar, FTI Reisen, Focus,

                               Galleria Kaufhof, Goretex, GQ, ISPO, Jack Wolfskin, Karstadt Sport, Lafuma, Medima, Mini Cooper, Mistral,

                               Nido Magazin, odlo, Plan-B, Payback, PHOTO INTERNATIONAL, Powerbar, Playboy, Rotwild Bikes, Runners Point,                                Running World, Schultz Gruppe, Salomon, Siemens, Skipresse, Sony, Sparkasse, Spiegel, Sportpresse, SportScheck,                                Stern, SZ Magazin, Telekom, The Red Bulletin Magazin, Warner Music, X-BIONIC, ZDF, Ziener a.m.m.

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